hai readers.. finnaly nulis blog lagi tapi kali ini gw mau promisiin binder kulit diliat dari fotonya ini ukuran A5 yang sedeng dan ini warna nya hijau tosca... kalo yang ukuran ini harganya 50ribu
ini isi binder nya.. lumayan banyak tempat buat nyimpan barang dan file file yang penting
nah yang ini pilihan-pilihan warnanya banyak kok.. tapi disini ada warna yang gak dimasukin yaitu ungu muda dan warna maroon.. mungkin ini yang mau pesen post tweet di my twitter @tiyarab thanks atau greet di my msn tyaaa0902@hotmail.com thanks
Tuesday, 23 November 2010
binder kulit
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Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Saturday, 6 November 2010
opened circus -_-
crazy timeee, tapi kali ini gak kasih judul carzy time gua nulis "opened circus" gua buka circus sama tika dan khalisa tanggal 6 nov 2010
ahahahah muka dicomel comel pake crayon gua dijadiin face painting hihihi seru
gua habis bangkit dari kubur jadi mukanya ngeselin kalisa tika lucu banget sih mereka kapan bisa kaya mereka??? :(
ini lagiiii masaoloh woy bagi bagi cantiknya woy!!
ini gua habis bersiin muka "sok sangar lu tiy! apaan sih lo?!" tadinya mau diganti topengnya, cuman keburu di jemput deh, yaaa dadada nanti pengen buka circus lagi tuungguin aja hahahaha bye ;)
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Saturday, November 06, 2010
Thursday, 4 November 2010
movie schedule 2011
wohhow!!!! seneng banget akhirnya dapet bocoran schedule movie 2011 bakal gua kasih tau semua ke readers
-1 januari: sinbad~the fifth voyage
-14 januari: the green hornet
-11 februari: romeo and juliet
-18 februari: battle los angeles
-25 februari: the eagle
-4 maret: rango
-11 maret: mars need moms
-11 maret: red riding hood
-18 maret: beastly
-25 maret: sucker punch
-8 april: rio
-8 april: your highness
-15 april: scream 4
-6 may: megamind
-6 may: thor
-13 may: priest
-20 may: pirates of the carrebian~on the starnger's tides
-26 may: the hangover 2
-27 may: kungfu panda~kaboom of doom
-3 juni: x-men~the first class
-10 juni: fast five
-21 juni: the green latern
-24 juni: cars 2~the world grand pix
-24 juni: the rise of the apes
-1 juli: transformers 3
-15 juli: HARRY POTTER~and deathly hallows part.2 <------ gak boleh gak nonton
-22 juli: captain of american
-29 juli: cowboys & aliens
-3 agustus: the smurf (3d)
-26 agustus: final destination 5
-23 september: underwrold
-14 oktober: the three musketeers (3d)
-22 oktober: saw 8
-4 november: puss in boots
-16 november: real steel
-18 november: breaking down part.1
-10 desember: the tourist
-16 desember: sherlock holmes
-16 desember: alvin and the chipmunks 3
-16 desember: missing immposible 4
-23 desember: the adventure's if the tintin~secret of the unicorn
okay we will waiting 2011 and i wanna watch all them!!! bye readers :)
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Thursday, November 04, 2010
script-the man who cant be moved
going back to the corner, where i first saw you
gonna camp in my sleeping bag i'm not gonna move
get some words on the cardboard got your picture in my hand
saying "if you see this girl, can you tell where i am"
some try hand me money, they dont understand
i'm not broke, i'm just a broken harted man, i know it
makes no sense, but what else can i do?
how an i move on, when i still in love with you?
reff: cause if oneday you wake up you find that youre missing me and your
heart start to wonder where on this earth i could be
thinking maybe youll come back here to the place that wed meet
and youll see waiting for you on the corner of the street
so i'm not moving (2x)
policeman says "son you cant stay here" i said "theres someone i'm waiting
for if it's a day,a month,a year" gotta stand my ground even if rain or snows
if she change er mind this is a first place she will go (back to reff)
people talk about the guy that's waiting on a girl ooooh..
there are no holes in this shoes but a big hole in this worls ooohh...
maybe i'll get famous as the man who cant be moved
maybe you wont me to but you'll see me on the news
you come running to the corner cause you know it's just for you
i'm the man who cant be moved
i'm the man who cant be moved (back to reff)
going back to the corner where i first saw you
gonna camp in my sleeping back i'm not gonna moved
brb crying readers :'( bye hehehehehehe
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Thursday, November 04, 2010
Tuesday, 2 November 2010
thanks a lot hannan!!!
tepatnya hari ini, dan kali ini gua gak ngasih foto hihihi, jadi sekedar cerita kejadian tadi pagi, ini dialognya:
(tiya hari ini ada tugas praktikum di sekolah, lupa bawa alat)
gue:"haduh, tiya lupa bawa nasi sama tepung buat praktikum"
pak nizar:"yaaa, ada ada aja sih ni tiya, udah dijalan telfon rumah deh"
(gue telfon rumah secepat mungkin)
gue:"mama tiya lupa bawa tugas"
nyokap:"udah udah ketinggalan kok, gak bisa dianter-anter lagi, minta temen aja"
Gue::yaudh deh (telfon di matiin)
(hannan tiba tiba nyamber)
hannan:"loh?! bukannya tiya bawa bekel nasi?"
gue:"oh! iya (supir gue ketawa ngakak puas bener dah)
pak nizar:"memang yaaa hannan otaknya jalan, bawa bekel nasi tapi gak bawa tugas suruh bawa nasi, hebat memang"
gue:-_-.... hannan THANKS A LOT duuut (y)
okeh,dan sampe sekolah ternyata indah bawa semua alatnya tapi tetep aja gua pake nasi bekel hehehehehehe, pokoknya hanna bener bener ngudeng banget dah (sampe gak kepikiran gua demi??!!!)
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Tuesday, November 02, 2010